Physical characteristics of the spotted sail lizard

Shape characteristics of the spotted sail lizard
Spotted sail lizard

The spotted sail lizard is about 80~100 cm long , likes to rest in forests near water, and is a semi-arboreal type. The spotted lizard is the largest lizard in the family Agamidae.

The spotted sail lizard is a gray lizard that is famous for its large raised and sail-like tail. Its tail is supported by the raised vertebrae. The adult sail-like tail Far bigger and taller than the larvae. There is a row of swollen spines in the center of its back. It is oviparous, but the number of eggs it lays is still unknown. It is a semi-aquatic lizard that rests in fresh water. It is shy by nature and easily relaxed. It will quickly jump from trees into the water when it encounters commotion. It is quite outstanding. An expert swimmer can even stand on the water on his hind legs and run quickly. The original species is omnivorous and will eat fruits, frogs, insects and fish in the wilderness. Its lifespan can reach more than 10 years.

