The appearance characteristics of the twill butterfly fish

The Shape Characteristics of the Oblique Butterfly Fish
The Oblique Butterfly Fish

The Oblique Butterfly Fish is a very beautiful small fish in the coral reef. Fish, their adult body length is 80-120 mm, which is very rare. When kept in an aquarium, the oblique butterfly fish can be mixed with most butterfly fish, but there is no advice on keeping it mixed with strong guinea fish.

The body color of the oblique butterfly fish is white, with black stripes passing through the eyes. The soft rays of the dorsal fin, caudal peduncle and anal fin are yellow, and there are dark thin diagonal stripes on the body, which are similar to The difference between the herringbone butterfly and the herringbone butterfly is that there are 6 diagonal stripes from the head to the dorsal fin of this fish, while the herringbone butterfly only has 5. The back half is darker yellow and there is 1 black stripe near the tail. The tail fin is yellow and there are 1-2 on the back. The strip is black and looks very similar to the herringbone butterfly. The upper surface of the oblique butterflyfish's head is straight, with a concave nose area. The snout is short and pointed. The anterior nostril has a nasal valve. The edge of the anterior operculum is finely serrated; the opercular membrane runs through the isthmus. The teeth of both jaws are finely pointed and densely arranged, and the left and right jaws each have 7-9 rows of teeth.

